No one should have to choose between their culture and health.

We help you enjoy both.

At Healthy West African, we empower and equip people from West African communities to put their health and wellbeing first without losing their heritage. We provide culturally appropriate nutrition, health and lifestyle tools and resources. We also work with healthcare and health improvement professionals who work with West African communities to improve the care they deliver.

Our expertise includes tailored professional support for individuals on their health and wellbeing journeys via virtual one-to-one consultations and bespoke nutrition and lifestyle webinars.

Personalised Nutrition & Health

People from West African communities are at a greater risk of developing health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, COVID-19 and strokes. Our personalised individual consultations are designed to assess your risk and

Weight Loss for West Africans™

Losing weight can be hard but not impossible, especially when you have the right tools and professional support. Our Weight Loss for West Africans™ Programme can help you lose the extra weight while enjoying the traditional foods

Nutrition, Lifestyle & Health webinars

Delivered virtually, our popular and highly-rated nutrition, lifestyle and health seminars and workshops are tailored to provide practical, evidence-based advice and culturally-relevant tips to living a healthy

Training for Health & Care Professionals

Understanding your patients and where they are coming from is your first step to reaching them and helping them make changes to achieve specific health outcomes. Our cultural competency

Consultancy for Public Health Initiatives and Brands

We work with government agencies, PR agencies and other organisations on the development and delivery of public health initiatives, messages and brands targeting West African audiences.

Food Business


Whether you are a healthcare catering supplier providing West African meals to healthcare settings or a West African restaurant business providing meals directly to customers, we can help you to grow your business and increase profits.

We Help You Live Better

Start Your Journey to Improved Health and Wellbeing

Focusing on your health and wellbeing has never been more important. Book your one-to-one virtual consultation to assess your risk of developing chronic health conditions such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke.

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Procrastination - never, later, tomorrow, next time

How To: 5 Super Easy Ways to Conquer Procrastination

February 23, 20233 min read

Procrastination is a major obstacle that many of my clients give as the reason for not accomplishing their goals. It's just easier to leave things undone, especially when there is so much calling for our attention as women. And yet, many also report that procrastination has created frustration and a sense of unfulfillment in their lives.

If the thought of an ever-growing 'To Do' list fills you with dread and overwhelm and you want to eliminate 'later' and 'tomorrow' from your default response, here are my top tips guaranteed to help you conquer procrastination and get those things done.

  1. Recognise that perfectionism is not a requirement for progress. Procrastination is actually a symptom of perfectionism and the fear of failure. Did you know that you can still make progress even if everything is not perfect as long as you start? Starting something new is scary, especially if you have never done it before. The main thing is to start. This is so important because in life there will never be a perfect time to tackle certain things. In fact, we run the risk of experiencing costly and unnecessary delay when we wait for everything to be perfect before we take action. Start exactly where you are.

  2. Focus on the benefit of doing the task. One main reason why we do not tackle certain tasks when we should is because if we're honest, we do not enjoy doing them! One way to overcome this is to find a ways to make our tasks enjoyable; another way is to remind ourselves of the benefits we will enjoy by doing what we would prefer not to do.

  3. Switch your phone notifications off. Smartphones are the ultimate double-edged sword! They are a brilliant tool for helping us stay connected with life yet they can also be one of the most distracting things ever designed and very challenging to manage. Turn notifications off or better still keep your phone out to sight so you can focus while you tackle those tasks.

  4. Develop the habit of NOT procrastinating. Everything is hard until it becomes a habit. Habits are formed when we do the same thing over and over till it becomes second nature. It takes time and repetition to create a habit. We develop the habit of procrastination, and can therefore develop the habit of NOT procrastinating. The same amount of time required to procrastinate is the same amount of time needed not to procrastinate. Let's decide to use our time in a way that benefits us instead.

  5. Set concrete deadlines and get accountability. Deadlines and accountability are proven motivators. A well-defined timeframe in which to complete a task and accountability will help us focus on our task. The aim is to tackle our most important and difficult tasks first when our brain power is at its peak which is usually within 2 hours of waking up.

Put procrastination in its place and get the accountability you have been looking for to overcome overwhelm, frustration, and unfulfilment so that you can achieve those goals you have put off for so long. Let's talk and map out your way forward today.

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Angela Tella

Angela Tella is a certified coach, strategic mentor and speaker. Known as The Masterpiece Mentor for Life and Business, she has helped numerous aspiring and established female entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders to unlock trapped potential and step into their next level. Her insight, proven strategies and step-by-step system help her clients maximise their success, brilliance and impact from the inside out.

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